Without further ado…

As promised, here’s what I look like with a scruff.  Scruffy-ness is not something I would of considered before Katimavik.  But since no one from home is going to see me for another 3 months, why not grow out my hair and be scruffy? What a fun word to say.  Scruffy.

Me with scruff:


Me with scruffage


Sans scruff:


Me without scruffage.

I look more clean cut and cute without the scruff, but I look more mature and sexy with the scruff.  I guess I’m just someone who can carry both looks.  It’s the same argument with me and wearing glasses.  With or without, I look great either way.  It all depends on what look I want that day.

Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a coconut curry that needs my help in preparation.

2 thoughts on “Without further ado…

  1. Stella says:

    I kinda dig the scruff. Of course, I’ll have to see it in person at some point. 😀

  2. Edward says:

    Aww, thank you. You will definitely see it when I get back to TO. We have to make up for lost time.

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